Monday, February 2, 2015

Native Americans Shamans Visit

Native American Healers from Piwwaltha Rainbow Clan came to do a crystal medicine circle with phenacite crystals with healing for all our favorite animals and ourselves.

They taught us how to work with crystals for prayers and healing and intentions, and how to lock in energy to medicine circles.

Balance Toe told a story of the human princess and the rock prince who fell in love, but they thought they needed to change to be together. The moral of the story, of course, is to accept ourselves as we are, and to accept the people we love for exactly who they are and not to try to change them.

They were wonderful, and held a strong presence for us all.

Over Familiarity vs. Honor

We passed around the talking rock, and took turns sharing about the meaning of "over familiarity" and how this can happen with siblings, or classmates.

Then we talked about the opposite which was to honor and respect one another.

Homework:  Really watch yourself carefully, and see what comes out of your mouth at times. Be mindful, and try to bring more awareness into our words and energy.

This is something we will come back to again and again. Good for all of us to remember.

Giving Food to Local Families

We went to the grocery store and all the girls picked out about $50 worth of groceries. They thought that was really fun alone!

Then we drove the a local Family Resource Center, and a woman named Diane looked at all the food carefully, with much appreciation.  She showed the girls the pantry where they collected all the food, and shared how much this helps local families in need.

Everyone seemed to really enjoy this experience, and we hope to do it more.

New Year's Ritual

New Year's Ritual:

We sat in a circle holding rocks, thinking about something we'd like to let go of, and offered our rock in a bowl in the middle.

Then we thought about what we'd like to bring in, and they took a small crystal from a bowl, and held it to their heart. (They get to keep the crystals.)

And then with this quality we made necklaces spelling this word to remind us throughout the year.

"I Am Eleven"

Went on a field trip to Nevada Theatre in Nevada City, and watched the documentary, "I Am Eleven". That was fun, and now I'm hoping to create our own short documentary about Spirit Warriors.

Here's the link to the trailer of "I Am Eleven":

Honoring Self Art Collage

The girls painted a fun background with layers of paint and paper, and then added a positive quote of their choice, and a photo of self at any age, and three positive qualities they like.

Dear Self, Please remember ...

We sat in a circle quietly, and I guided the girls in a visualization where they were to watch themselves with compassion throughout their day, and notice where we may have needed help or support.

Then the girls got out their journals and wrote a letter to self, from their higher self, beginning with "Dear Self, Please remember..."

Examples include:
"Please remember to stay calm when life seems hard."
"Please remember to smile more often as you are safe."
"Please remember to relaxed and happy because I love you."

Medicine Pouch

The girls made their own medicine pouch which they could wear as a necklace. Laura and I created a nature treasure hunt where the treasure was crystals, one for each of them.